Anderson Acceleration:
Software, Storage, and a Multi-Physics Example
Newton's Method in Mixed Precision
Anderson acceleration for nonsmooth problems
Convergence Analysis of the EDIIS Method
Anderson Accleration
Hidden Constraints and Embedded Monte Carlo Simulations in Optimization
Nonlinear Equations with Monte-Carlo Residuals
Hybrid Monte-Carlo/Deterministic Neutronics
Sparse Interpolation and Quantum Chemistry
Model Reduction for Time-Independent PDE Simulator Calibration
Rank-Deficient Nonlinear Least Squares Problems
Optimal Design of Groundwater Remediation Systems with Sampling Methods
Continuation Algorithms for Parameter Dependent
Compact Fixed Point Problems
Solution of the Wigner-Poisson Equations for RTDs,
A Fast Continuation Method for the Ornstein-Zernike Equations
Optimal design using sampling methods
Simulation of Nondifferentiable Models for
Groundwater Flow and Transport,
Continuation Algorithms for Parameter-Dependent
Compact Fixed Point Problems
Pseudo-transient continuation for nonsmooth nonlinear equations
Optimal design using sampling methods
Solution of Groundwater Remediation Systems with Implicit
Algorithmic decisions in implicit filtering
Fast Algorithms for the Ornstein-Zernike Equations
Globally Convergent Algorithms for Nonsmooth Nonlinear Equations
Theory and Applications of Implicit Filtering
Fast Algorithms for Nonlinear Compact Fixed Point Problems,
Nonlinear Solvers and Preconditioners in Groundwater Flow Simulations
An Integro-Partial-Differential-Algebraic
Equation for Powder Consolidation
Optimization of Noisy Functions and the Implicit Filtering Algorithm
Convergence Behavior for Krylov Space Linear Solvers:
Examples and Applications
Implicit Filtering: Theory and Implementation
Sampling Methods that Approximate Gradients,
Direct Search Methods and Approximate Gradients
Noisy Optimization Problems: Applications and Methods,
Multilevel Methods for Conductive-Radiative Heat Transfer,
Sampling Methods that Approximate Gradients,
Implicit Filtering and Quadratic Models,
Convergence Analysis of Pseudo-Transient Continuation,
Department of Mathematics Colloquium,
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA,
October 31, 1997.
The Simplex Gradient and Noisy Optimization Problems ,
AFOSR Workshop on Optimization and Control,
Arlington, VA,
October 3, 1997
Detection and Remediation of Stagnation in the Nelder-Mead Algorithm
Using a Sufficient Decrease Condition,
Graduiertenkolleg Mathematische Optimierung, Universität Trier,
Trier, Germany, April 29, 1997.
Nonlinear Equations: Applications, Algorithms, Software,
Short course on nonlinear equations:
Sommerschule über Nichtlineare Gleichungssysteme,
Hamburg, Germany, March 17, 1997
Linear Compact Fixed Point Problems.
First of a series of three talks on modern numerical methods for
compact fixed point problems, National Chiao Tung University, Hsin-Chu,
July 29, 1996.
Nonlinear Problems.
Second of a series of three talks on modern numerical methods for
compact fixed point problems, National Chiao Tung University, Hsin-Chu,
July 31, 1996.
Third of a series of three talks on modern numerical methods for
compact fixed point problems, National Chiao Tung University, Hsin-Chu,
July 31, 1996.
Trust Region Methods for Boundary Control Problems,
July, 14--20 1996.
International Conference on Control and Estimation of Distributed
Parameter Systems, Vorau, Austria.
Design of Automotive Valve Trains with Implicit Filtering, May 20,
Mininisymposium on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, SIAM
Conference on Optimization, Victoria, BC, Canada.
Solution of the Pressure Head Form of Richards' Equation by the Method of
Lines, September 14, 1995.
DOE Workshop on Iterative Methods for Large Scale Nonlinear
Problems, Logan, Utah.
Solution of Noisy Paramater ID Problems with Implicit Filtering, July
17, 1995.
IMA Summer program on Large Scale Optimization, IMA, Minneapolis,
Superlinear Convergence of GMRES, July 3, 1995.
Graduiertenkolleg Mathematische Optimierung, Universität Trier,
Trier, Germany.
Linear and Nonlinear Solvers for Codes for Flow in Porous Media, March
29, 1995.
Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.
Implicit Filtering and Noisy Optimization Problems, November 15 1994.
ICASE, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA.
Implicit Filtering and Noisy Optimization Problems, October 25, 1994.
IFIP/WG 2.5: Workshop on Current Issues in Numerical Software,
Raleigh, NC.
Implicit filtering and noisy optimal design problems, August 16, 1994.
Minisymposium on Useful Nonstandard Methods: 15th International
Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Implicit Filtering and Noisy Optimal Design Problems, April 9, 1994.
Workshop on Optimal Design, Blacksburg VA.
Implicit Filtering Methods for Noisy Optimization Problems, January 26,
University of North Carolina at Wilmington.
Multilevel Source Iteration Accelerators for the Linear Transport
Equation in Slab Geometry, October 28, 1993.
Argonne National Laboratory.
Multilevel source iteration accelerators for the linear transport equation
in slab geometry, August 5, 1993.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Identification of the Support of Nonsmoothness, February 16, 1993.
Conference on Large Scale Optimization, Gainesville, FL.
Multilevel Projected Newton-like Algorithms for Optimal Control
Problems, September 18, 1992.
Minisymposium on Numerical Methods in Optimal Control, SIAM
Conference on Control and its Applications, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Iterative Methods for Compact Fixed Point Problems, July 23, 1992.
Minisymposium on Iterative methods for large-scale nonlinear
systems, SIAM National Meeting, Los Angeles, California.
Nonlinear Problems in Computer Aided Design for Microwave Devices, June
15, 1992.
Universität Trier, Trier, Germany.
Multilevel Algorithms for Constrained Optimal Control Problems, April
12, 1992.
Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, Copper Mountain,
Nondifferentiable Optimization in Competitive Systems, November 4,
Special session on nonlinear programming, ORSA/TIMS National
Meeting, Anaheim, California.
Fast Algorithms for Compact Fixed Point Problems, September 10, 1991.
16. Symposium on Operations Research, Universität Trier, Trier,
Adaptive Multilevel Methods for Compact Fixed Point Problems, July 9,
Minisymposium on Parallel Computing and Optimization, International
Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Washington, D. C.
Fast Algorithms for Nonsmooth Compact Fixed Point Problems, June 10,
Universität Trier, Trier, Germany.
Pointwise quasi-Newton Methods for Control, May 14, 1991.
Special session on nonlinear programming, ORSA/TIMS National
Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee.
Convergence Properties of Broyden's Method in Infinite Dimensional
Spaces, January 28, 1991.
Rice University, Houston, Texas.
Pointwise Quasi-Newton Methods for Optimal Control Problems, November
7, 1990.
Second SIAM Conference on Linear Algebra, Signals, Systems, and
Control, Minisymposium on Numerical Aspects of Optimal Control, San
Francisco, CA.
Convergence Properties of Broyden's Method in Infinite Dimensional
Spaces, November 2, 1990.
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
Secant methods in Banach Spaces, October 30, 1990.
Special session on nonlinear programming, ORSA/TIMS National
Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Convergence Properties of Broyden's Method in Infinite Dimensional
Spaces, September 10, 1990.
Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan.
Convergence Properties of Broyden's Method in Infinite Dimensional
Spaces, September 7, 1990.
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
Convergence Properties of Broyden's Method in Infinite Dimensional
Spaces, September 5, 1990.
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.
Fast Algorithms for Compact Fixed Point Problems, September 1, 1990.
International Symposium on Computational Mathematics, Ehime
University, Matsuyama, Japan.
Fast Quasi-Newton Methods for Control, July 17, 1990.
SIAM Annual Meeting, Minisymposium on Numerical Methods in Control,
Chicago, IL.
Superlinear Convergence Results for Broyden's Method for Nonlinear
Equations in Banach Spaces, June 1, 1990.
Universität Trier, Trier, Germany.
Mesh Independent, Globally Convergent Algorithms for Noninear Equations
in Banach Spaces, October 16, 1989.
Special session on nonlinear programming, ORSA/TIMS National
Meeting, New York, NY.
Fast Newton-like Methods for Control Problems, August 28, 1989.
DOE Miniconference on Newton-like Methods for Large Scale Nonlinear
Systems, Logan, Utah.
Sequential Quadratic Programming for Parameter Identification Problems,
June 26, 1989.
5th IFAC Symposium on Control of Distributed Parameter Systems,
Perpignan, France.
Fast Newton-like Methods for Control Problems, June 22, 1989.
International Conference on Numerical Methods in Optimization and
Optimal Control, Trier, Germany.
Fast Algorithms for Nonlinear Integral Equations, June 19, 1989.
Universität Trier, Mathematics Department, Trier, Germany.
Fast Algorithms for Integral Equations in Transport Theory, May 22,
11th International Conference on Transport Theory, Blacksburg, VA.
Quasi-Newton Methods in Function Spaces, May 12, 1989.
Courant Institute, New York, NY.
Fast Algorithms for Nonlinear Integral Equations, April 13, 1989.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA.
Fast Algorithms for Nonlinear Integral Equations, April 4, 1989.
SIAM Conference on Optimization, Minisymposium on Infinite
Dimensional Problems, Boston, MA.
Fast Algorithms for Some Boundary Control Problems, November 11, 1988.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg,
Operator Prolongation Methods for Nonlinear Equations, July 21, 1988.
AMS-SIAM Summer Seminar in Applied Mathematics, Computational
Solution of Nonlinear Systems of Equations.
Newton-like Methods in Banach Spaces, February 9, 1988.
Center for Applied Mathematics, Purdue University.
Newton-like Methods in Banach Spaces, October 24, 1987.
Combined Midwest-Southeast Differential Equations Conference,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN.
Pointwise Quasi-Newton Methods for Integral Equations, June 24, 1987.
Workshop on Algorithmic Methods in Optimal Control and Parameter
Identification, Universität Trier, Trier, Germany.
The method in Slab Geometries with Polynomial Basis, March 25,
Tenth International Conference on Transport Theory, La Jolla, CA.
Pointwise Quasi-Newton Methods and Some Applications, July 11, 1986.
International Conference on Control of Distributed Parameter
Systems, Vorau, Austria.
Pointwise Quasi-Newton Methods, March 19, 1986.
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas.
Pointwise Quasi-Newton Methods, March 17, 1986.
Rice University, Houston, Texas.
The Method and the Singular Value Decomposition, June 13, 1985.
Ninth International Conference on Transport Theory, 6/13/85,
Montecatini Terme, Italy.
Algorithm Design on Microcomputers: Iterative Methods for Problems with
Singular Jacobian, May 21, 1985.
ARO Workshop on Microcomputers in Large Scale Scientific
Computation, Newark, Delaware.
Applications of the Method to Transport Calculations, May 1983.
Eighth International Conference on Transport Theory, Blacksburg,
Newton's Method at Singular Points, April 18, 1981.
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.
Approximate Methods for Exit Distribution Problems in Inhomogeneous
Slabs, May 1981.
Seventh International Conference on Transport Theory, Lubbock,
Newton's Method at Singular Points, May 15, 1980.
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.
Solution of H-equations by Iteration, April 1979.
Sixth International Conference on Transport Theory, Tuscon,
to Business, Engineering, and Science,
Session on Distributed Applications in Engineering
Wuhan, China, September 15, 2004.
Center for Mathematics - University of Coimbra,
Coimbra, Portugal, May 16-17, 2002.
in Computational Fluid Dynamics
Matsuyama, Japan, October 10--13, 2001.
Trier, Germany, July 27, 2001.
Pleasanton, CA., July 27, 2000.
Edinburgh, Scotland, July 5--9, 1999
Minisymposium on Recent Advances in Direct Search Methods,
Sixth SIAM Conference on Optimization,
Atlanta, GA, May 10, 1999
Interational Mathematics Conference and Annual Meeting of the Taiwan
Math Society, National Taiwan Normal University,
Taipei, Taiwan, December 20, 1998
University of North Carolina Applied Mathematics Seminar,
Chapel Hill, NC, November 6, 1998.
INFORMS Fall Meeting, Seattle, WA, October, 1998.
Approximate Models Workshop, Rice University, Houston, TX.
February 19, 1998.