% HEQBDEMO Solve the H-equation with brsola % This program creates the H-equation example in Chapter 4. % % global A_heq; c=.9; n=100; % % nodal points for the midpoint rule % gr=1:n; gr=(gr-.5)/n; gr=gr'; % % form and store the kernel of the integral operator % cc=.5*c/n; A_heq=ones(n,1)*gr'; A_heq=cc*A_heq'./(A_heq+A_heq'); % tol=[1.d-8,1.d-8]; x=ones(n,1); [sol, it_hist, ierr] = brsola(x,'heq',tol); nb=length(it_hist(:,1)); [sol, it_histn, ierr] = nsoli(x,'heq',tol); nn=length(it_histn(:,1)); [sol, it_histd, ierr] = nsold(x,'heq',tol); nd=length(it_histd(:,1)); semilogy(0:nb-1,it_hist(:,1)/it_hist(1,1),'-',... 0:nn-1,it_histn(:,1)/it_histn(1,1),'--',... 0:nd-1,it_histd(:,1)/it_histd(1,1),'-.'); legend('brsola','nsoli','nsold'); xlabel('Nonlinear iterations'); ylabel('Relative residual');