Journal Publications
C. T. Kelley,
Newton's Method in Three Precisions,
Pacific Journal of Optimization, 20 (2024), pp 461-474.
C. T. Kelley
MultiPrecisionArrays.jl: A Julia package for iterative refinement
Journal of Open Source Software, (2024).
Published online September 2024
S. Pasmann, I. Variansyah, C. T. Kelley, and R. McClarren,
Mitigating Spatial Error in the iterative-Quasi-Monte Carlo
(iQMC) Method for Neutron Transport Simulations with Linear
Discontinuous Source Tilting and Effective Scattering and Fission Rate
Nuclear Sci Eng., published online May 6, 2004.
J. P. Morgan, I. Variansyah, S. Pasmann, K. B. Clements,
B. Cuneo, A. Mote, C. Goodman, C. Shaw, J. Northrop,
R. Pankaj, E. Lame, B. Whewell, R. McClarren,
T. S. Palmer, L. Chen, D. Anistratov, C. T. Kelley,
C. Palmer, and K. E. Niemeyer,
Monte Carlo / Dynamic Code (MC/DC): An accelerated
Python package for fully transient neutron transport and rapid
methods development
Journal of Open Source Software, (2024).
Published online April 2024 .
H-Y. Kwon, G. M. Curtin, Z. Morrow, C. T. Kelley, and E. Jakubikova
Adaptive Basis Set for Practical Quantum Computing
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, (2023).
S. Pasmann, I. Variansyah, C. T. Kelley, and R. McClarren
A quasi-Monte Carlo method with Krylov linear solvers for multigroup
neutron transport simulations,
Nuclear Science and Engineering, (2023).
Published online Jan 12, 2023.
C. T. Kelley,
Newton's Method in Mixed Precision
SIAM Review, 64 (2022), pp. 191-211.
Z. Morrow, H-Y. Kwon, C. T. Kelley, and E. Jakubikova
Efficient Approximation of Potential Energy Surfaces with
Mixed-Basis Interpolation
J. Chem. Th. Comput. (2021)
Z. Morrow, H-Y. Kwon, C. T. Kelley, and E. Jakubikova
Reduced-dimensional surface hopping with offline–online computations
Phys Chem Chem Phys (2021)
H-Y. Kwon, Z. Morrow, E. Jakubikova, and C. T. Kelley
Interpolation Methods for Molecular Potential Energy Surface
J. Phys. Chem. A (2021)
W. Bian and X. Chen and C. T. Kelley
Anderson Acceleration for a Class of Nonsmooth
Fixed-Point Problems
SIAM J. Sci. Comp., (2021)
C. T. Kelley, J. Bernholc, E. Briggs, S. P. Hamilton,
L. Lin and C. Yang
Mesh-Independence of the Generalized Davidson Algorithm
J. Comp. Phys., 409 (2020),
Z. Morrow, C. Liu, C. T. Kelley, and E. Jakubikova,
Approximating potential energy surfaces with sparse
trigonometric interpolation,
J. Phys. Chem. B, 123 (2019), pp. 9677-9684.
J. A. Ellis, T. Evans, S. Hamilton, C. T. Kelley,
and T. M. Pandya
Optimization of processor allocation for domain
decomposed Monte Carlo calculations
J. Parallel Comp., 87 (2019), pp. 77-96.
C. Liu, C. T. Kelley, and E. Jakubikova
Molecular dynamics simulations on relaxed reduced-dimensional
potential energy surfaces
J. Chem. Th. and Comp. doi:10.1021/acs.jpca.9b02298
Published online May 16, 2019.
X. Chen and C. T. Kelley,
Analysis of the EDIIS Algorithm
SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 41 (2019), pp. A365-A379.
X. Chen, C. T. Kelley, F. Xu, and Z. Zhang,
A smoothing direct search method for Monte Carlo-based constrained
nonsmooth nonconvex optimization,
SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 40 (2018), pp. A2174– A2199. doi:10.1137/17M1116714.
C. T. Kelley,
Numerical methods for nonlinear equations,
Acta Numerica, 27 (2018), pp. 207–287. doi:10.1017/S0962492917000113.
T.M. Weigand, P.B. Schultz, D.H. Giffen,
M.W. Farthing, A. Crockett, C.T. Kelley, W.G. Gray,
and C.T. Miller,
Modeling Non-Dilute Species Transport Using
the Thermodynamically Constrained Averaging Theory
Water Resources Research, 54 (2019), pp. 6656-6682.
A. Toth, J. A. Ellis, T. Evans, S. Hamilton, C. T. Kelley,
R. Pawlowski, and S. Slattery,
Local improvement results for Anderson acceleration with inaccurate
function evaluations,
SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 39 (2017), pp. S47-S65. doi:10.1137/16M1080677.
X. Chen and C. T. Kelley,
Optimization with hidden constraints and embedded Monte Carlo
Optimization and Engineering, 17 (2016), pp. 157–175.
doi:10.1007/s11081-015-9302- 1.
J. Nance, D. Bowman, S. Mukherjee, C. T. Kelley, and E. Jakubikova,
New insights into the spin-state transitions in [Fe(tpy) ] +:
Importance of the terpyridine rocking motion
Chemistry, 54 (2015), pp. 11259–11268. doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.5b01747.
E. J. Wyers and M. A. Morton and G. Soller and C. T. Kelley
and P. D. Franzon,
A Generally Applicable Calibration Algorithm for Digitally
Reconfigurable Self-Healing RFICs
IEEE Trans on VLSI Systems, 24 (2016), pp. 1151–1164.
J. Nance and C. T. Kelley,
A Sparse Interpolation Algorithm for Dynamical Simulations in
Computational Chemistry,
SIAM J. Sci. Comp, 27 (2015) pp. S237-S156. doi:10.1137/140965284.
A. Toth and C. T. Kelley,
Convergence Analysis for Anderson Acceleration
SIAM J. Numer. Anal, 53 (2015), pp 805-819.
J. Nance, E. Jakubikova, and C. T. Kelley,
Reaction Path Following with Sparse Interpolation
J. Chem. Th. Comp. 2014.
Online publication 7/12/2014, doi=10.1021/ct5004669.
O. J. Eslinger, C. Winton, J. Jerrell R. Ballard, S. E. Howington,
A. Fregosi, K. Ward, and C. T. Kelley,
Estimating sampling distributions of apparent thermal
diffusivity for partially saturated soils
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 15 (2014)
Z. Hu, R. Smith, J. Willert, and C. T. Kelley,
HDMR applied to the 1-D, Single Speed Neutron Transport k-Eigenvalue
Nuclear Sci Eng., 177 (2014), pp 1-11.
J. Willert, C. T. Kelley, D. Knoll, and H. K. Park,
A Hybrid Deterministic/Monte Carlo Method for Solving the k-Eigenvalue Problem with a Comparison to Analog Monte Carlo Solutions
J. Comp. Th. Transport, Published online 8/22/14.
J. Willert, C. T. Kelley, D. Knoll, and H. K. Park,
Hybrid Deterministic/Monte Carlo Neutronics,
SIAM, J. Sci. Comp., 35 (2014), pp S62-S83.
E. J. Wyers, M. B. Steer, C. T. Kelley, and P. D. Franzon,
A Bounded and Discretized Nelder-Mead Algorithm Suitable for
RFIC Calibration,
IEEE Trans Cir Sys, 60 (2013), pp 1787-1799.
C. T. Kelley and L-Z. Liao,
Explicit Pseudo-Transient Continuation ,
Pacific Journal of Optimzation, 9 (2013), 77-91.
L. M. Ellwein, S. R. Pope, A. Xie, J. Batzel, C. T. Kelley, and M. S.
Patient specific modeling of cardiovascular and respiratory
dynamics during hypercapnia.
Math Biosci, 241, 2013, 56-74.
C. T. Miller, C. N. Dawson, M. W. Farthing, T. Y. Hou, J. Huang, C. E.
Kees, C. T. Kelley, and H. P. Langtangen,
Numerical simulation of water resources problems: Models, methods, and
Advances in Water Resources, 51 (2012), 403-437.
C. T. Kelley and D. Mokrauer,
Sparse interpolatory reduced-order models for simulation of
light-induced molecular transformations ,
Optimization Methods and Software, 2012,
David Mokrauer, C. T. Kelley, and Alexei Bykhovski,
Simulations of Light-Induced Molecular Transformations
in Multiple Dimensions with Incremental Sparse Surrogates
J. Algorithms and Computational Technology, 6 (2012), 577-592.
C. Winton, J. Pettway, C. T. Kelley, S. E Howington, and O. J. Eslinger,
Application of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
(POD) to Inverse Problems in Saturated Groundwater
Flow, Advances in Water Resources, 34, 2011, 1519-1526.
I. C. F. Ipsen and C. T. Kelley and S. R. Pope, Nonlinear Least Squares Problems and Subset Selection, SIAM J. Numer. Anal, 49, 2011, 1244-1266.
David Mokrauer, C. T. Kelley, and Alexei Bykhovski, Efficient Parallel Computation of Molecular Potential Surfaces for Optimization, 2010, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 10, 2011, 70-74.
C. T. Kelley, L. Qi, X. Tong, and H. Yin.
Finding A Stable Solution of A System of Nonlinear Equations
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization,
7, 2011, 497-521.
Anne S. Costolanski and C. T. Kelley, Efficient Solution of the Wigner-Poisson Equation for Modeling Resonant Tunneling Diodes, 2010, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 9, 2010, 708-715.
G. W. Characklis, B. R. Kirsch, J. Ramsey,
K. E. M. Dillard, and C. T. Kelley,
More Efficient Optimization of Long-Term Water Supply Portfolios
Water Resources Research, 45, 2009, W03414-1 - W03414-12.
M. Gee, C. T. Kelley, and R. B. Lehoucq,
Pseudo-Transient Continuation for Nonlinear Transient Elasticity
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
78, 2009, 1209-1219.
D. E. Finkel and C. T. Kelley,
Convergence Analysis of Sampling Methods for Perturbed Lipschitz
Pacific Journal of Optimization, 5, 2009, 339-350.
X-L Luo, C. T. Kelley, L-Z. Liao, and H-W Tam,
Combining Trust Region Techniques and Rosenbrock Methods for
Gradient Systems
JOTA, 140, 2009, 265-286.
S. R. Pope, L. M. Ellwein, C. I. Zapata, V. Novak,
C. T. Kelley, and M. S. Olufsen,
Estimation and identification of parameters in a lumped
cerebrovascular model,
Math. Biosci. Eng., 6, 2008, 93-115.
L-H. Zhang, C. T. Kelley, and L.-Z. Liao, 2007,
A continuous Newton-type method for unconstrained optimization
Pacific J. Opt., 4, 2008, 259-277.
M. Marucho, C. T. Kelley, and B. M. Pettitt,
Solutions of the optimized closure integral equation theory:
heteronuclear polyatomic fluids,
J. Chem. Th. Comp, 4, 2008, 385-396.
K. R. Fowler, J. P. Reese, C. E. Kees, J. E. Dennis, C. T. Kelley, C. T.
Miller, C. Audet, A. J. Booker,
G. Couture, R. W. Darwin, M. W. Farthing,
D. E. Finkel, J. M. Gablonsky, G. Gray, and T. G. Kolda
A Comparison of Derivative-Free Optimization Methods
for Groundwater Supply and Hydraulic Capture Problems,
Advances in Water Resources, 31, 2008, 743-757.
C. T. Kelley,
L-Z. Liao,
L. Qi,
M. T. Chu,
J. P. Reese, and C. Winton,
Projected Pseudo-Transient Continuation,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 46, 2008, 3071-3083.
K. I. Dickson, C. T. Kelley,
I. C. F. Ipsen, and I. G. Kevrekidis,
Condition Estimates for Pseudo-Arclength Continuation,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 45 (2007), 263-276.
M. S. Lasater, C. T. Kelley, A. Salinger,
D. L. Woolard, G. Recine, and P. Zhao,
Analysis of
A Scalable Preconditioner for the Wigner-Poisson Equation
Int J. Pure Appl Math., 37 (2007), 247-270.
L. Qiao, R. Erban, C. T. Kelley, and I. G. Kevrekidis,
Spatially distributed stochastic systems: equation free and equation
assisted preconditioned computation,
J. Chem. Phys, 125 (2006), paper 204108, 8 pages.
D. E. Finkel and C. T. Kelley,
Additive Scaling and the DIRECT Algorithm,
Journal of Global Optimization, 36 (2006) 597-608.
M. S. Lasater, C. T. Kelley, A. Salinger,
D. L. Woolard, and P. Zhao,
Parallel Parameter Study of the Wigner-Poisson Equations for RTDs
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 51 (2006), 1677-1688.
G. W. Characklis, B. R. Kirsch, J. Ramsey,
K. E. M. Dillard, and C. T. Kelley,
Developing Portfolios of Water Supply Transfers
Water Resources Research, (42) 2006, 14 pages
K. R. Kavanagh and C. T. Kelley,
Pseudo-transient Continuation for Nonsmooth Nonlinear Equations,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., (43) 2005, 1385-1406.
K. R. Kavanagh, C. T. Kelley, C. T. Miller,
C. E. Kees, Robert W. Darwin, J. P. Reese, M. W. Farthing, and
Mark S. C. Reed,
Solution of a Well-Field Design Problem with Implicit Filtering
Optimization and Engineering, (5), 2004, 207-234.
C. T. Kelley and B. Montgomery Pettitt,
A Fast Algorithm for the Ornstein-Zernike Equations,
Journal of Computational Physics, (197), 2004, 491-501.
T. Coffey, C. T. Kelley, and D. E. Keyes,
Pseudo-Transient Continuation and Differential-Algebraic Equations,
SIAM J. Sci. Comp. (25), 2003, 553-569.
M. W. Farthing, C. E. Kees, T. Coffey, C. T. Kelley,
and C. T. Miller,
Efficient Steady-State Solution Techniques for Variably
Saturated Groundwater Flow,
Advances in Water Resources, 26, 2003, 833-849.
C. E. Kees, C. T. Miller, E. W. Jenkins, and C. T. Kelley,
Versatile Multilevel Schwarz Preconditioners for Multiphase Flow
Comp. Geo, 7, 2003, 91-114.
T. S. Coffey, R. J. McMullan, C. T. Kelley, and D. S. McRae,
Globally Convergent Algorithms for Nonsmooth Nonlinear Equations
in Computational Fluid Dynamics
J. Comp. Appl. Math., 152, 2003, 69-81.
C. T. Kelley and E. W. Sachs,
Truncated Newton Methods for Optimization
with Inaccurate Functions and Gradients
JOTA, 116, 2003, 83-98.
J. F. Kanney, C. T. Miller, and C. T. Kelley,
Convergence of Iterative Split Operator Approaches for
Approximating Nonlinear Reactive Transport Problems
Advances in Water Resources, 26, 2003, 247-261.
A. S. Mayer, C. T. Kelley, and C. T. Miller,
Optimal Design for Problems Involving Flow and Transport
Phenomena in Subsurface Systems
Advances in Water Resources, 12, 2002, pp 1233-1256.
A. Battermann, J. M. Gablonsky, A. Patrick,
C. T. Kelley, T. Coffey, K. Kavanagh, and C. T. Miller,
Solution of A Groundwater Control Problem with Implicit Filtering,
Optimization and Engineering, (3), 2002, 189-199.
R. Carter, J. M. Gablonsky, A. Patrick, C. T. Kelley, and O. J. Eslinger,
Algorithms for Noisy Problems in Gas Transmission Pipeline Optimization
Optimization and Engineering, (2), 2001, 139-157.
J. M. Gablonsky and C. T. Kelley,
A Locally-Biased form of the DIRECT Algorithm
Journal of Global Optimization, (21), 2001, 27-37.
E. W. Jenkins, C. T. Kelley, C. T. Miller, and C. E. Kees,
An Aggregation-based
Domain Decomposition Preconditioner for Groundwater Flow
SIAM J. Sci. Comp., (23), 2001, 430-441.
P. A. Gremaud, C. T. Kelley, T. A. Royal, and K. A. Coffey,
On a Powder Consolodation Problem
SIAM J. Appl. Math., (62), 2001, 1-20.
T. D. Choi, O. J. Eslinger, C. T. Kelley, J. W. David, and M. Etheridge,
Optimization of Automotive Valve Train Components with Implict
Optimization and Engineering. (1), 2000, 9-28.
T. D. Choi and C. T. Kelley,
Superlinear Convergence and Implicit Filtering
SIAM J. on Optimization, (10), 2000, 1149-1162.
W. R. Ferng and C. T. Kelley,
Mesh independence of matrix-free methods for path following
SIAM J. Sci. Comp., (21), 2000, 1835-1850.
G. A. Williams, C. T. Miller, and C. T. Kelley, Transformation Approaches for Simulating Flow in Variably Saturated Porous Media, Water Resources Research, (36), 2000, 923-934.
C. T. Kelley,
Detection and Remediation of Stagnation in the Nelder-Mead
Algorithm Using a Sufficient Decrease Condition
SIAM J. Opt., (10), 1999, 43-55.
C. T. Kelley and E. W. Sachs, A trust region method for parabolic boundary control problems SIAM J. Opt., (9), 1999, 1064-1081.
T. D. Choi and C. T. Kelley, Estimates for the Nash-Sofer Preconditioner for the Reduced Hessian for Some Elliptic Variational Inequalities SIAM J. Opt., (9), 1999, 327-341.
J. M. Banoczi and C. T. Kelley, A Fast Multilevel Algorithm for the Solution of Nonlinear Systems of Conductive-Radiative Heat Transfer Equations in Two Space Dimensions, SIAM J. Sci. Comp., (20), 1999, 1214-1228.
M. D. Tocci, C. T. Kelley, C. T. Miller, and C. E. Kees,
Inexact Newton methods and the method of lines for solving
Richards' equation in two space dimensions,
Computational Geosciences, (2), 1998, 291-310.
C. T. Miller, G. A. Williams, C. T. Kelley and M. D. Tocci, Robust Solution of Richards' Equation for Non-Uniform Porous Media, Water Resources Research, (34) 1998, 2599-2610.
C. T. Kelley and D. E. Keyes. Convergence analysis of pseudo-transient continuation. SIAM J. Numer. Anal, (35) 1998, 508-523.
J. M. Banoczi and C. T. Kelley, A Fast Multilevel Algorithm for the Solution of Nonlinear Systems of Conductive-Radiative Heat Transfer Equations, SIAM J. Sci. Comp., (19), 1998, 266-279.
C. T. Kelley, M. D. Tocci, and C. T. Miller, Termination of Newton/Chord Iterations and the Method of Lines, SIAM J. Sci. Comp., (19), 1998, 280-290.
C. T. Kelley and E. W. Sachs, Local Convergence of the Symmetric Rank-One Iteration, Computational Optimization and Applications, (9), 1998, 43-63.
M. D. Tocci, C. T. Kelley, and C. T. Miller, Accurate and economical solution of the pressure head form of Richards' equation by the method of lines, Advances in Water Resources, 20 (1997), pp. 1-14.
S. L. Campbell, I. C. F. Ipsen, C. T. Kelley, and C. D. Meyer, GMRES and the minimal polynomial, BIT, 36 (1996), pp. 664-675.
C. T. Kelley, Existence and uniqueness of solutions of nonlinear systems of conductive-radiative heat transfer equations, Trans. Th. Stat. Phys., 25 (1996), pp. 249-260.
S. L. Campbell, I. C. F. Ipsen, C. T. Kelley, C. D. Meyer, and Z. Q. Xue, Convergence estimates for solution of integral equations with GMRES , Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 8 (1996), pp. 19-34.
C. T. Kelley and Z. Q. Xue, GMRES and integral operators, SIAM J. on Sci. Comput., 17 (1996), pp. 217-226.
C. T. Kelley and E. W. Sachs, Solution of optimal control problems by a pointwise projected Newton method , SIAM J. Control and Optimization, 33 (1995), pp. 1731-1757.
P. Gilmore and C. T. Kelley, An implicit filtering algorithm for optimization of functions with many local minima, SIAM J. Optim., 5 (1995), pp. 269-285.
C. T. Kelley, A fast multilevel algorithm for integral equations, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 32 (1995), pp. 501-513.
C. T. Kelley, Multilevel source iteration accelerators for the linear transport equation in slab geometry, Trans. Th. Stat. Phys., 24 (1995), pp. 679-708.
S. Ito, C. T. Kelley, and E. W. Sachs, Inexact primal-dual interior point iteration for linear programs in function spaces , Computational Optimization and Applications, 4 (1995), pp. 189-202.
C. T. Kelley and E. W. Sachs, Multilevel algorithms for constrained compact fixed point problems, SIAM J. on Sci. Comput., 15 (1994), pp. 645-667.
C. T. Kelley and Z. Q. Xue, Inexact Newton methods for singular problems, Optimization Methods and Software, 2 (1993), pp. 249-267.
C. T. Kelley and J. I. Northrup, A fast multi-level method for the fixed point form of matrix H-equations, Trans. Th. Stat. Phys., 22 (1993), pp. 533-547.
B. D. GANAPOL, C. T. Kelley, and G. C. POMRANING, Asymptotically exact boundary conditions for the P-N equations, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 114 (1993), pp. 12-19.
C. T. Kelley and E. W. Sachs, Pointwise Broyden methods, SIAM J. Optim., 3 (1993), pp. 423-441.
C. T. Kelley and L. Mukundan, Convergence analysis for the harmonic balance method, Journal of Nonlinear Analysis, Theory Methods and Applications, 20 (1993), pp. 365-380.
C. T. Kelley, Adaptive integral equation methods in transport theory, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 112 (1992), pp. 361-368.
M. Heinkenschloß, C. T. Kelley, and H. T. Tran, Fast algorithms for nonsmooth compact fixed point problems, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 29 (1992), pp. 1769-1792.
D. M. Hwang and C. T. Kelley, Convergence of Broyden's method in Banach spaces, SIAM J. Optim., 2 (1992), pp. 505-532.
D. Stoneking, G. Bilbro, R. Trew, P. Gilmore, and C. T. Kelley, Yield optimization using a GaAs process simulator coupled to a physical device model, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 40 (1992), pp. 1353-1363.
C. T. Kelley and E. W. Sachs, Mesh independence of the gradient projection method for optimal control problems, SIAM J. Control and Optimization, 30 (1992), pp. 477-493.
C. T. Kelley and E. W. Sachs, Mesh independence of Newton-like methods for infinite dimensional problems, Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 3 (1991), pp. 549-573.
C. T. Kelley, E. W. Sachs, and B. Watson, A pointwise quasi-Newton method for unconstrained optimal control problems, II, J. Optim. Theory Appl., 71 (1991), pp. 535-547.
C. T. Kelley and S. J. Wright, Sequential quadratic programming for certain parameter identification problems, Math. Programming ser. A, 51 (1991), pp. 281-305.
C. T. Kelley and E. W. Sachs, Fast algorithms for compact fixed point problems with inexact function evaluations, SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput., 12 (1991), pp. 725-742.
C. T. Kelley and E. W. Sachs, A new proof of superlinear convergence for Broyden's method in Hilbert space, SIAM J. Optim., 1 (1991), pp. 146-150.
C. T. Kelley and J. Rulla, Solution of the time discretized Stefan problem by Newton's method, Journal of Nonlinear Analysis, Theory Methods and Applications, 14 (1990), pp. 851-872.
C. T. Kelley and E. W. Sachs, Approximate quasi-Newton methods, Mathematical Programming, ser. B, 48 (1990), pp. 41-70.
D. L. Woolard, J.-L. Pelourad, R. J. Trew, M. A. Littlejohn, and C. T. Kelley, Hydrodynamic hot electron transport simulation based on the Monte Carlo method, Solid-State Electronics, 32 (1989), pp. 1347-1351.
C. T. Kelley, A fast two-grid method for matrix H-equations, Trans. Th. Stat. Phys., 18 (1989), pp. 185-204.
C. T. Kelley and E. W. Sachs, A pointwise quasi-Newton method for unconstrained optimal control problems, Numer. Math., 55 (1989), pp. 159-176.
C. T. Kelley and J. I. Northrup, A pointwise quasi-Newton method for integral equations, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 25 (1988), pp. 1138-1155.
C. T. Kelley, The method in finite slabs with a polynomial
basis, Trans. Th. Stat. Phys., 17 (1988), pp. 295-303.
T. G. Clapp, C. T. Kelley, and A. C. Eberhardt, Development and validation of a method for approximation of road surface texture-induced contact pressure in tire/pavement interaction, Tire Science and Technology, 16 (1988), pp. 2-17.
C. T. Kelley and E. W. Sachs, Quasi-Newton methods and unconstrained optimal control problems, SIAM J. Control and Optimization, 25 (1987), pp. 1503-1517.
C. T. Kelley and E. W. Sachs, A quasi-Newton method for elliptic boundary value problems, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 24 (1987), pp. 516-531.
C. T. Kelley, Convergence of the method for multi-group
transport, Trans. Th. Stat. Phys., 15 (1986), pp. 821-828.
C. T. Kelley, A Shamanskii-like acceleration scheme for nonlinear equations at singular roots, Math. Comp., 47 (1986), pp. 609-623.
S. L. Hollis and C. T. Kelley, Vector algorithms for H-equations arising in radiative transfer through inhomogeneous media, Trans. Th. Stat. Phys., 15 (1986), pp. 33-48.
C. T. Kelley and T. W. Mullikin, Why does the -method work?,
Trans. Th. Stat. Phys., 14 (1985), pp. 513-526.
C. T. Kelley and E. W. Sachs, Broyden's method for approximate solution of nonlinear integral equations, J. Integral Eqs., 9 (1985), pp. 25-44.
D. W. Decker and C. T. Kelley, Broyden's method for a class of problems having singular Jacobian at the root, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 22 (1985), pp. 566-574.
D. W. Decker and C. T. Kelley, Expanded convergence domains for Newton's method at nearly singular roots, SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comp., 6 (1985), pp. 951-966.
C. T. Kelley, Applications of the method to transport
calculations, Trans. Th. Stat. Phys., 13 (1984), pp. 85-96.
C. T. Kelley, Convergence of the method for exponential
atmospheres, Trans. Th. Stat. Phys., 12 (1983), pp. 183-194.
C. T. Kelley and R. Suresh, A new acceleration method for Newton's method at singular points, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 20 (1983), pp. 1001-1009.
D. W. Decker and C. T. Kelley, Sublinear convergence of the chord method at singular points, Numer. Math., 42 (1983), pp. 147-154.
D. W. Decker, H. B. Keller, and C. T. Kelley, Convergence rates for Newton's method at singular points, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 20 (1983), pp. 296-314.
C. T. Kelley, Energy dependent radiative transfer in inhomogeneous slabs, J. Integral Eqs., 5 (1983), pp. 33-48.
C. T. Kelley, Approximate methods for the solution of the Chandrasekhar H-equation, J. Math. Phys., 23 (1982), pp. 2097-2100.
C. T. Kelley, Approximation of solutions to some quadratic integral equations in transport theory, J. Integral Eqs., 4 (1982), pp. 221-237.
C. T. Kelley and T. W. Mullikin, Collocation methods for some singular integral equations in linear transport theory, J. Integral Eqs., 4 (1982), pp. 77-88.
D. W. Decker and C. T. Kelley, Convergence acceleration for Newton's method at singular points, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 19 (1982), pp. 219-229.
C. T. Kelley, Approximate methods for exit distribution problems in inhomogeneous slabs, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 8 (1981), pp. 227-234.
C. T. Kelley, Multi-group neutron transport in inhomogeneous slabs, J. Integral Eqs., 3 (1981), pp. 261-275.
C. E. Siewert, C. T. Kelley, and R. D. M. Garica, An analytical expression for the H-matrix relevant to Rayleigh scattering, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 84 (1981), pp. 509-518.
C. T. Kelley, A note on the approximation of functions of several variables by sums of functions of one variable, J. Approx. Th., 33 (1981), pp. 179-189.
C. T. Kelley, Solution of the Chandrasekhar H-equation by Newton's method, J. Math. Phys., 21 (1980), pp. 1625-1628.
C. E. Siewert and C. T. Kelley, An analytical solution to a matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem, ZAMP, 31 (1980), pp. 344-351.
D. W. Decker and C. T. Kelley, Newton's method at singular points II, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 17 (1980), pp. 465-471.
D. W. Decker and C. T. Kelley, Newton's method at singular points I, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 17 (1980), pp. 66-70.
C. T. Kelley, The Chandrasekhar H-equation for radiative transfer through inhomogeneous media, J. Integral Eqs., 2 (1980), pp. 155-170.
C. T. Kelley, A comparison of iteration schemes for Chandrasekhar H-equations in multigroup neutron transport, J. Math. Phys., 21 (1980), pp. 408-409.
M. A. Berger and C. T. Kelley, A variational equivalent to diagonal scaling, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 72 (1979), pp. 291-304.
C. T. Kelley, Solution of H-equations by iteration, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 10 (1979), pp. 844-849.
C. T. Kelley, Operator-valued Chandrasekhar H-functions, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 70 (1979), pp. 579-588.
C. T. Kelley and T. W. Mullikin, Solution by iteration of H-equations in multigroup neutron transport, J. Math. Phys., 19 (1978), pp. 500-501.
C. T. Kelley, Analytic continuation of an operator-valued H-function with applications to neutron transport theory, J. Math. Phys., 19 (1978), pp. 494-499.
C. T. Kelley, Convolution and H-equations for operator-valued functions with applications to neutron transport theory, J. Math. Phys., 18 (1977), pp. 764-769.