function [fv, ifail, icount]=f_easy_p(x) % F_EASY_P % % A parallel version of f_easy. % You must call matlabpool if you want this to run in parallel. % %function [fv, ifail, icount]=f_easy_p(x) % % fv must be a ROW vector. This makes scalar optimization consistent % with what imfil does for nonlinear least squares. % % If you make fv a column vector, you will get some very interesting % error messages. % [nr,nc]=size(x); fv=zeros(1,nc); % % Like f_easy, this function never fails and all calls to f have the % same cost. We just have to say that nc times. % ifail=zeros(nc,1); icount=ones(nc,1); % parfor i=1:nc fv(i) = feval('f_easy',x(:,i)); end