function [ret_minval,final_xatmin,history] = Direct... (Problem,bounds,opts,varargin) % Function : Direct Version 4.0 % Written by : Dan Finkel ( % Created on : 01/27/2003 % Last Update: 06/21/2004 % Purpose : Direct optimization algorithm. % % This code comes with no guarantee or warranty of any kind % % If unfamiliar with DIRECT, user is recommended to manual % that accompanies this code, and can be found at: % % % % [x,fmin,history] = Direct(Problem,bounds,opts,varargin) % % Parameters: % IN: Problem - Structure containing problem % Problem.f = Objective function handle % % NOTE: If you problem has no constraints (other than % those on the bounds, this is the only field you % need to add to Problem % % Problem.numconstraints = number of constraints % Problem.constraint(i).func = i-th constraint handle % Problem.constraint(i).penalty = penalty parameter for % i-th constraint % Note: If f returns objective function AND constraints % then set Problem.constraint(1).func = Problem.f % bounds - an n x 2 vector of the lower and upper bounds. % The first column is the lower bounds, and the second % column contains the upper bounds % opts - (optional) MATLAB structure. % opts.ep = Jones factor (default is 1e-4) % opts.maxevals = max. number of function evals (default is 20) % opts.maxits = max. number of iterations (default is 10) % opts.maxdeep = max. number of rect. divisions (default is 100) % opts.testflag = 1 if globalmin known, 0 otherwise (default is 0) % opts.showits = 1 if disp. stats shown, 0 oth. % (default is 1) % opts.globalmin = globalmin (if known) % (default is 0) % opts.tol = tolerance for term. if tflag=1 % (default is 0.01) % opts.impcons = turns on implicit constraint capability % (default is 0) % If set to one, objective function % is expected to return a flag which represents % the feasibility of the point sampled % varargin - (optional) additional arguements to be passed to % objective function % % NOTE: If opts.tflag == 0, maxevals, maxevals and maxdeep are ignored. % DIRECT will stop when the absolute error is less % than tol. Also, preallocation will not occur, and the algorithm % can run slower than if opts.tflag == 1 % NOTE: opts.maxevals is an approximate stopping condition. DIRECT will % exceed this budget by a slight amount % % OUT: minval - minimum value found % xatmin - (optional) location of minimal value % history - (optional) array of iteration historyory, useful for tables and plots % The three columns are iteration, fcn evals, and min value found. % % Direct may be called by % % minval = Direct(Problem,bounds); % or % with any variation of the optional arguments %------------------------------------------------------------------% % % Implementation taken from: % D.R. Jones, C.D. Perttunen, and B.E. Stuckman. "Lipschitzian % Optimization Without the Lipschitz Constant". Journal of % Optimization Theory and Application, 79(1):157-181, October 1993 % %------------------------------------------------------------------% %-- Initialize the variables --------------------------------------% lengths = [];c = [];fc = []; con = [];szes = [];feas_flags=[]; om_lower = bounds(:,1); om_upper = bounds(:,2); fcncounter = 0; perror = 0; itctr = 1; done = 0; g_nargout = nargout; n = size(bounds,1); % Determine option values if nargin<3, opts=[]; end if (nargin>=3) & (length(opts)==0), opts=[]; end getopts(opts, ... 'maxits', 20,... % maximum of iterations 'maxevals', 10,... % maximum # of function evaluations 'maxdeep', 100,... % maximum number of side divisions 'testflag', 0,... % terminate if within a relative tolerence of f_opt 'globalmin', 0,... % minimum value of function 'ep', 1e-4,... % global/local weight parameter. 'tol', 0.01,... % allowable relative error if f_reach is set 'showits', 1,... % print iteration stats 'impcons', 0,... % flag for using implicit constraint handling 'pert', 1e-6); % pertubation for implicit constraint handling % 'maxflag', 0, ... % set to 1 for max problems, 0 for min problems % 'sizeconst', 0.5,... % constant on rectangle size function % 'distance', 1,... % 1/0 for distance/volume measure of size % 'minlength', 1e-4,... % stop if best rectangle has all sides 1ess than this % 'minevals', 0,... % but must evaluate at least this many points theglobalmin = globalmin; tflag = testflag; %-- New 06/08/2004 Pre-allocate memory for storage vectors if tflag == 0 lengths = zeros(n,maxevals + floor(.10*maxevals)); c = lengths; fc = zeros(1,maxevals + floor(.10*maxevals)); szes = fc; con = fc; feas_flags = fc; end %-- Call DIRini ---------------------------------------------------% [thirds , lengths, c , fc, con, feas_flags minval,xatmin,perror,... history,szes,fcncounter,calltype] =... DIRini(Problem,n,bounds(:,1),bounds(:,2),... lengths,c,fc,con, feas_flags, szes,... theglobalmin,maxdeep,tflag,g_nargout, impcons, varargin{:}); ret_minval = minval; ret_xatmin = xatmin; %-- MAIN LOOP -----------------------------------------------------% minval = fc(1) + con(1); while perror > tol %-- Create list S of potentially optimal hyper-rectangles S = find_po(fc(1:fcncounter)+con(1:fcncounter),... lengths(:,1:fcncounter),minval,ep,szes(1:fcncounter)); %-- Loop through the potentially optimal hrectangles -----------% %-- and divide -------------------------------------------------% for i = 1:size(S,2) [lengths,fc,c,con,feas_flags,szes,fcncounter,success] = ... DIRdivide(bounds(:,1),bounds(:,2),Problem,S(1,i),thirds,lengths,... fc,c,con,feas_flags,fcncounter,szes,impcons,calltype,varargin{:}); end %-- update minval, xatmin --------------------------------------% [minval,fminindex] = min(fc(1:fcncounter)+con(1:fcncounter)); penminval = minval + con(fminindex); xatmin = (om_upper - om_lower).*c(:,fminindex) + om_lower; if (con(fminindex) > 0)|(feas_flags(fminindex) ~= 0) %--- new minval is infeasible, don't do anything else %--- update return values ret_minval = minval; ret_xatmin = xatmin; end %--see if we are done ------------------------------------------% if tflag == 1 %-- Calculate error if globalmin known if theglobalmin ~= 0 perror = 100*(minval - theglobalmin)/abs(theglobalmin); else perror = 100*minval; end else %-- Have we exceeded the maxits? if itctr >= maxits disp('Exceeded max iterations. Increase maxits') done = 1; end %-- Have we exceeded the maxevals? if fcncounter > maxevals disp('Exceeded max fcn evals. Increase maxevals') done = 1; end if done == 1 perror = -1; end end if max(max(lengths)) >= maxdeep %-- We've exceeded the max depth disp('Exceeded Max depth. Increse maxdeep') perror = -1; end if g_nargout == 3 %-- Store History maxhist = size(history,1); history(maxhist+1,1) = itctr; history(maxhist+1,2) = fcncounter; history(maxhist+1,3) = minval; end %-- New, 06/09/2004 %-- Call replaceinf if impcons flag is set to 1 if impcons == 1 fc = replaceinf(lengths(:,1:fcncounter),c(:,1:fcncounter),... fc(1:fcncounter),con(1:fcncounter),... feas_flags(1:fcncounter),pert); end %-- show iteration stats if showits == 1 if (con(fminindex) > 0) | (feas_flags(fminindex) == 1) fprintf('Iter: %4i f_min: %15.10f* fn evals: %8i\n',... itctr,minval,fcncounter); else fprintf('Iter: %4i f_min: %15.10f fn evals: %8i\n',... itctr,minval,fcncounter); end end itctr = itctr + 1; end %-- Return values if g_nargout == 2 %-- return x* final_xatmin = ret_xatmin; elseif g_nargout == 3 %-- return x* final_xatmin = ret_xatmin; %-- chop off 1st row of history history(1:size(history,1)-1,:) = history(2:size(history,1),:); history = history(1:size(history,1)-1,:); end return %------------------------------------------------------------------% % Function: DIRini % % Written by: Dan Finkel % % Created on: 10/19/2002 % % Purpose : Initialization of Direct % % to eliminate storing floating points % %------------------------------------------------------------------% function [l_thirds,l_lengths,l_c,l_fc,l_con, l_feas_flags, minval,xatmin,perror,... history,szes,fcncounter,calltype] = DIRini(Problem,n,a,b,... p_lengths,p_c,p_fc,p_con, p_feas_flags, p_szes,theglobalmin,... maxdeep,tflag,g_nargout,impcons,varargin) l_lengths = p_lengths; l_c = p_c; l_fc = p_fc; l_con = p_con; l_feas_flags = p_feas_flags; szes = p_szes; %-- start by calculating the thirds array %-- here we precalculate (1/3)^i which we will use frequently l_thirds(1) = 1/3; for i = 2:maxdeep l_thirds(i) = (1/3)*l_thirds(i-1); end %-- length array will store # of slices in each dimension for %-- each rectangle. dimension will be rows; each rectangle %-- will be a column %-- first rectangle is the whole unit hyperrectangle l_lengths(:,1) = zeros(n,1); %01/21/04 HACK %-- store size of hyperrectangle in vector szes szes(1,1) = 1; %-- first element of c is the center of the unit hyperrectangle l_c(:,1) = ones(n,1)/2; %-- Determine if there are constraints calltype = DetermineFcnType(Problem,impcons); %-- first element of f is going to be the function evaluated %-- at the center of the unit hyper-rectangle. %om_point = abs(b - a).*l_c(:,1)+ a; %l_fc(1) = feval(f,om_point,varargin{:}); [l_fc(1),l_con(1), l_feas_flags(1)] = ... CallObjFcn(Problem,l_c(:,1),a,b,impcons,calltype,varargin{:}); fcncounter = 1; %-- initialize minval and xatmin to be center of hyper-rectangle xatmin = l_c(:,1); minval = l_fc(1); if tflag == 1 if theglobalmin ~= 0 perror = 100*(minval - theglobalmin)/abs(theglobalmin); else perror = 100*minval; end else perror = 2; end %-- initialize history %if g_nargout == 3 history(1,1) = 0; history(1,2) = 0; history(1,3) = 0; %end %------------------------------------------------------------------% % Function : find_po % % Written by : Dan Finkel % % Created on : 10/19/2002 % % Purpose : Return list of PO hyperrectangles % %------------------------------------------------------------------% function rects = find_po(fc,lengths,minval,ep,szes) %-- 1. Find all rects on hub diff_szes = sum(lengths,1); tmp_max = max(diff_szes); j=1; sum_lengths = sum(lengths,1); for i =1:tmp_max+1 tmp_idx = find(sum_lengths==i-1); [tmp_n, hullidx] = min(fc(tmp_idx)); if length(hullidx) > 0 hull(j) = tmp_idx(hullidx); j=j+1; %-- 1.5 Check for ties ties = find(abs(fc(tmp_idx)-tmp_n) <= 1e-13); if length(ties) > 1 mod_ties = find(tmp_idx(ties) ~= hull(j-1)); hull = [hull tmp_idx(ties(mod_ties))]; j = length(hull)+1; end end end %-- 2. Compute lb and ub for rects on hub lbound = calc_lbound(lengths,fc,hull,szes); ubound = calc_ubound(lengths,fc,hull,szes); %-- 3. Find indeces of hull who satisfy %-- 1st condition maybe_po = find(lbound-ubound <= 0); %-- 4. Find indeces of hull who satisfy %-- 2nd condition t_len = length(hull(maybe_po)); if minval ~= 0 po = find((minval-fc(hull(maybe_po)))./abs(minval) +... szes(hull(maybe_po)).*ubound(maybe_po)./abs(minval) >= ep); else po = find(fc(hull(maybe_po)) -... szes(hull(maybe_po)).*ubound(maybe_po) <= 0); end final_pos = hull(maybe_po(po)); rects = [final_pos;szes(final_pos)]; return %------------------------------------------------------------------% % Function : calc_ubound % % Written by : Dan Finkel % % Created on : 10/19/2002 % % Purpose : calculate the ubound used in determing potentially % % optimal hrectangles % %------------------------------------------------------------------% function ub = calc_ubound(lengths,fc,hull,szes) hull_length = length(hull); hull_lengths = lengths(:,hull); for i =1:hull_length tmp_rects = find(sum(hull_lengths,1) 0 tmp_f = fc(hull(tmp_rects)); tmp_szes = szes(hull(tmp_rects)); tmp_ubs = (tmp_f-fc(hull(i)))./(tmp_szes-szes(hull(i))); ub(i) = min(tmp_ubs); else ub(i)=1.976e14; end end return %------------------------------------------------------------------% % Function : calc_lbound % % Written by : Dan Finkel % % Created on : 10/19/2002 % % Purpose : calculate the lbound used in determing potentially % % optimal hrectangles % %------------------------------------------------------------------% function lb = calc_lbound(lengths,fc,hull,szes) hull_length = length(hull); hull_lengths = lengths(:,hull); for i = 1:hull_length tmp_rects = find(sum(hull_lengths,1)>sum(lengths(:,hull(i)))); if length(tmp_rects) > 0 tmp_f = fc(hull(tmp_rects)); tmp_szes = szes(hull(tmp_rects)); tmp_lbs = (fc(hull(i))-tmp_f)./(szes(hull(i))-tmp_szes); lb(i) = max(tmp_lbs); else lb(i) = -1.976e14; end end return %------------------------------------------------------------------% % Function : DIRdivide % % Written by : Dan Finkel % % Created on : 10/19/2002 % % Purpose : Divides rectangle i that is passed in % %------------------------------------------------------------------% function [lengths,fc,c,con,feas_flags,szes,fcncounter,pass] = ... DIRdivide(a,b,Problem,index,thirds,p_lengths,p_fc,p_c,p_con,... p_feas_flags,p_fcncounter,p_szes,impcons,calltype,varargin) lengths = p_lengths; fc = p_fc; c = p_c; szes = p_szes; fcncounter = p_fcncounter; con = p_con; feas_flags = p_feas_flags; %-- 1. Determine which sides are the largest li = lengths(:,index); biggy = min(li); ls = find(li==biggy); lssize = length(ls); j = 0; %-- 2. Evaluate function in directions of biggest size %-- to determine which direction to make divisions oldc = c(:,index); delta = thirds(biggy+1); newc_left = oldc(:,ones(1,lssize)); newc_right = oldc(:,ones(1,lssize)); f_left = zeros(1,lssize); f_right = zeros(1,lssize); for i = 1:lssize lsi = ls(i); newc_left(lsi,i) = newc_left(lsi,i) - delta; newc_right(lsi,i) = newc_right(lsi,i) + delta; [f_left(i), con_left(i), fflag_left(i)] = CallObjFcn(Problem,newc_left(:,i),a,b,impcons,calltype,varargin{:}); [f_right(i), con_right(i), fflag_right(i)] = CallObjFcn(Problem,newc_right(:,i),a,b,impcons,calltype,varargin{:}); fcncounter = fcncounter + 2; end w = [min(f_left, f_right)' ls]; %-- 3. Sort w for division order [V,order] = sort(w,1); %-- 4. Make divisions in order specified by order for i = 1:size(order,1) newleftindex = p_fcncounter+2*(i-1)+1; newrightindex = p_fcncounter+2*(i-1)+2; %-- 4.1 create new rectangles identical to the old one oldrect = lengths(:,index); lengths(:,newleftindex) = oldrect; lengths(:,newrightindex) = oldrect; %-- old, and new rectangles have been sliced in order(i) direction lengths(ls(order(i,1)),newleftindex) = lengths(ls(order(i,1)),index) + 1; lengths(ls(order(i,1)),newrightindex) = lengths(ls(order(i,1)),index) + 1; lengths(ls(order(i,1)),index) = lengths(ls(order(i,1)),index) + 1; %-- add new columns to c c(:,newleftindex) = newc_left(:,order(i)); c(:,newrightindex) = newc_right(:,order(i)); %-- add new values to fc fc(newleftindex) = f_left(order(i)); fc(newrightindex) = f_right(order(i)); %-- add new values to con con(newleftindex) = con_left(order(i)); con(newrightindex) = con_right(order(i)); %-- add new flag values to feas_flags feas_flags(newleftindex) = fflag_left(order(i)); feas_flags(newrightindex) = fflag_right(order(i)); %-- 01/21/04 Dan Hack %-- store sizes of each rectangle szes(1,newleftindex) = 1/2*norm((1/3*ones(size(lengths,1),1)).^(lengths(:,newleftindex))); szes(1,newrightindex) = 1/2*norm((1/3*ones(size(lengths,1),1)).^(lengths(:,newrightindex))); end szes(index) = 1/2*norm((1/3*ones(size(lengths,1),1)).^(lengths(:,index))); pass = 1; return %------------------------------------------------------------------% % Function : CallConstraints % % Written by : Dan Finkel % % Created on : 06/07/2004 % % Purpose : Evaluate Constraints at pointed specified % %------------------------------------------------------------------% function ret_value = CallConstraints(Problem,x,a,b,varargin) %-- Scale variable back to original space point = abs(b - a).*x+ a; ret_value = 0; if isfield(Problem,'constraint') if ~isempty(Problem.constraint) for i = 1:Problem.numconstraints if length(Problem.constraint(i).func) == length(Problem.f) if double(Problem.constraint(i).func) == double(Problem.f) %-- Dont call constraint; value was returned in obj fcn con_value = 0; else con_value = feval(Problem.constraint(i).func,point,varargin{:}); end else con_value = feval(Problem.constraint(i).func,point,varargin{:}); end if con_value > 0 %-- Infeasible, punish with associated pen. param ret_value = ret_value + con_value*Problem.constraint(i).penalty; end end end end return %------------------------------------------------------------------% % Function : CallObjFcn % % Written by : Dan Finkel % % Created on : 06/07/2004 % % Purpose : Evaluate ObjFcn at pointed specified % %------------------------------------------------------------------% function [fcn_value, con_value, feas_flag] = ... CallObjFcn(Problem,x,a,b,impcon,calltype,varargin) con_value = 0; feas_flag = 0; %-- Scale variable back to original space point = abs(b - a).*x+ a; if calltype == 1 %-- No constraints at all fcn_value = feval(Problem.f,point,varargin{:}); elseif calltype == 2 %-- f returns all constraints [fcn_value, cons] = feval(Problem.f,point,varargin{:}); for i = 1:length(cons) if cons > 0 con_value = con_value + Problem.constraint(i).penalty*cons(i); end end elseif calltype == 3 %-- f returns no constraint values fcn_value = feval(Problem.f,point,varargin{:}); con_value = CallConstraints(Problem,x,a,b,varargin{:}); elseif calltype == 4 %-- f returns feas flag [fcn_value,feas_flag] = feval(Problem.f,point,varargin{:}); elseif calltype == 5 %-- f returns feas flags, and there are constraints [fcn_value,feas_flag] = feval(Problem.f,point,varargin{:}); con_value = CallConstraints(Problem,x,a,b,varargin{:}); end if feas_flag == 1 fcn_value = 10^9; con_value = 0; end return %------------------------------------------------------------------% % Function : replaceinf % % Written by : Dan Finkel % % Created on : 06/09/2004 % % Purpose : Assign R. Carter value to given point % %------------------------------------------------------------------% function fcn_values = replaceinf(lengths,c,fc,con,flags,pert) %-- Initialize fcn_values to original values fcn_values = fc; %-- Find the infeasible points infeas_points = find(flags == 1); %-- Find the feasible points feas_points = find(flags == 0); %-- Calculate the max. value found so far if ~isempty(feas_points) maxfc = max(fc(feas_points) + con(feas_points)); else maxfc = max(fc + con); end for i = 1:length(infeas_points) if isempty(feas_points) %-- no feasible points found yet found_points = [];found_pointsf = []; index = infeas_points(i); else index = infeas_points(i); %-- Initialize found points to be entire set found_points = c(:,feas_points); found_pointsf = fc(feas_points) + con(feas_points); %-- Loop through each dimension, and find points who are close enough for j = 1:size(lengths,1) neighbors = find(abs(found_points(j,:) - c(j,index)) <= ... 3^(-lengths(j,index))); if ~isempty(neighbors) found_points = found_points(:,neighbors); found_pointsf = found_pointsf(neighbors); else found_points = [];found_pointsf = []; break; end end end %-- Assign Carter value to the point if ~isempty(found_pointsf) %-- assign to index the min. value found + a little bit more fstar = min(found_pointsf); if fstar ~= 0 fcn_values(index) = fstar + pert*abs(fstar); else fcn_values(index) = fstar + pert*1; end else fcn_values(index) = maxfc+1; maxfc = maxfc+1; end end return %------------------------------------------------------------------% % Function : DetermineFcnType % % Written by : Dan Finkel % % Created on : 06/25/2004 % % Purpose : Determine how constraints are handled % %------------------------------------------------------------------% function retval = DetermineFcnType(Problem,impcons) retval = 0; if (~isfield(Problem,'constraint'))&(~impcons) %-- No constraints at all retval = 1; end if isfield(Problem,'constraint') %-- There are explicit constraints. Next determine where %-- they are called if ~isempty(Problem.constraint) if length(Problem.constraint(1).func) == length(Problem.f) %-- Constraint values may be returned from objective %-- function. Investigate further if double(Problem.constraint(1).func) == double(Problem.f) %-- f returns constraint values retval = 2; else %-- f does not return constraint values retval = 3; end else %-- f does not return constraint values retval = 3; end else if impcons retval = 0; else retval = 1; end end end if (impcons) if ~retval %-- only implicit constraints retval = 4; else %-- both types of constraints retval = 5; end end %------------------------------------------------------------------% % GETOPTS Returns options values in an options structure % USAGE % [value1,value2,...]=getopts(options,field1,default1,field2,default2,...) % INPUTS % options : a structure variable % field : a field name % default : a default value % OUTPUTS % value : value in the options field (if it exists) or the default value % % Variables with the field names will be created in the caller's workspace % and set to the value in the option variables field (if it exists) or to the % default value. % % Example called from a function: % getopts(options,'tol',1e-8,'maxits',100); % where options contains the single field 'tol' with value equal to 1 % The function have two variable defined in the local workspace, tol with a % value of 1 and maxits with a value of 100. % % If options contains a field name not in the list passed to getopts, a % warning is issued. % % % Many thanks to the author of this function, % Paul Fackler ( % % %------------------------------------------------------------------% function varargout=getopts(options,varargin) K=fix(nargin/2); if nargin/2==K error('fields and default values must come in pairs') end if isa(options,'struct'), optstruct=1; else, optstruct=0; end varargout=cell(K,1); k=0; ii=1; for i=1:K if optstruct & isfield(options,varargin{ii}) assignin('caller',varargin{ii},getfield(options,varargin{ii})); k=k+1; else assignin('caller',varargin{ii},varargin{ii+1}); end ii=ii+2; end if optstruct & k~=size(fieldnames(options),1) warning('options variable contains improper fields') end return %------------------------------------------------------------------% % Versions : 1.0 - 1st successful implemenation of DIRect % : 2.0 - Removed floating point arithmetic % duplicated Table 5 of Jones et al. % : 2.1 - increased speed by storing size calcs. % : 2.2 - utitilized linked lists to increase speed % : 2.3 - rewrote ubound to increase speed % : 2.4 - rewrote lbound to increase speed % : 2.5 - removed call to calcsize % : 2.6 - added check_for_ties % : 2.7 - rewrote check_for_ties to compare fp correctly % : 2.8 - changed output arguments, rewrote help % : 3.0 - simplified input/output. Put on web. % : 3.1 - Performanced Tuned! Tremendous speed increase % : 3.2 - Removed llists; performance tuned % Many thanks to Ray Muzic and Paul Fackler % for their suggestions to improve this code % : 4.0 - Sped up code, and added 2 constraint handling % mechanisms. %------------------------------------------------------------------%